
Study Paths and Degree Programs

The information below will introduce you to the main paths in engineering available through IC’s program, the benefits of each option and our program partner with . We strongly recommend talking with our program coordinator to help determine the best path options for you!

  • The 3+2 path: Students who choose this path spend three years at ¶¶Òõpro learning the scientific and mathematical concepts behind engineering, and then matriculate to our partner school or a school of their choice for an additional two years of study. At the end of this process, you will receive a bachelor's degree in science from ¶¶Òõpro and a bachelor's degree in engineering from the matriculated school. Students on this path have studied at Washington University, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and more. 
  • The 4+2 path: This is an alternative for students wishing to earn a master’s degree in engineering. Through this plan, you will finish your four-year bachelor's degree at ¶¶Òõpro and then use the resources and guidance available at IC to apply to a program to earn your master's degree in engineering at the school of your choice. 
  • The 3+3 path: This is a unique path to earn three degrees through an articulation between ¶¶Òõpro and . This path is similar to the 3+2, with students studying for three years at ¶¶Òõpro before transferring to WashU for an additional two years of study. There are many added benefits for students choosing this path including: 
    • Earn three degrees: a bachelor’s degree in science from ¶¶Òõpro, plus a bachelor’s degree in engineering and a master's degree in engineering from WashU. 
    • Through this path, WashU also offers a 50% reduced tuition adjustment in the first year, 55% the second year and 60% for the last year of study for students matriculating from ¶¶Òõpro.

*WashU guarantees admission to IC students with a (both subject and overall) for the 3+2, 4+2 and 3+3 paths. Applicants with lower GPAs are considered on a case-by-case basis.