
Graduate Ready

Sabrina Stamberger '25

Sabrina Stamberger ’25 interned at the Henson Robinson Zoo in Springfield, Illinois. The experience, filled with hands-on animal care and community engagement, became a turning point in her academic and career aspirations.

Sabrina Stamberger '25

Initially a health sciences major with a focus on becoming a pediatric diabetes educator, Stamberger was exploring the environmental studies field when she discovered the internship through IC’s Handshake platform and the IC Explorers Program. Her time at the zoo solidified her passion for environmental studies, revealing career paths she hadn’t considered, including roles in zoos, conservation education, and even zoo keeping.

During the internship, Stamberger gained invaluable skills working with children and animals. She learned how to adapt her presentations to different audiences, from energetic children at zoo camps to elderly residents during "Zoo to You" outreach visits. “It’s a lot harder to keep kids entertained than I thought,” she said, noting how the experience taught her adaptability and creativity.

Stamberger’s daily tasks included preparing educational activities, handling animals like skunks and reptiles, and observing a group of baby otters as they acclimated to their enclosure. She also participated in conservation-focused projects, such as wetlands monitoring, and even explored creative tasks like painting bird silhouettes for zoo exhibits.

Reflecting on her internship, Stamberger called it “one of the greatest things I’ve ever done.” She encouraged other students to pursue internships, emphasizing their value in personal growth and career exploration. “You’ll realize there are things you thought you liked but don’t, and things you didn’t think you’d like but do.”

Through her summer at the zoo, Stamberger discovered a community that shared her passion for conservation and helped her find a clearer path toward a fulfilling career in environmental studies.