
Utility Failures

Utility outage emergencies are those service interruptions posing an imminent, significant hazard to life, health or property.

Reporting a Utility Outage

During weekday business hours, call IC Facilities Management at 217.245.3162. They will contact the appropriate departments and mechanics to restore service.

After hours please call Public Safety at 217.245.3111 and they will contact the appropriate person or mechanics. If evacuation is necessary or if other major consequential actions are required, Public Safety will contact responsible officials.

Utility Failure & Evacuations

Evacuation from facilities is sometimes a possibility during a utility emergency. Normal evacuation procedures will remain in effect for utility emergencies.

Elevator Failure

In the event of an elevator failure, use the emergency phone and alarm found inside the elevator to call Public Safety at 217.245.3111. Do not attempt to open elevator doors.

Gas Leaks

Gas leaks typically smell like sulfur or rotten eggs due to an additive to the natural gas supply. If you smell a gas leak, cease all operations and notify people in the area. IMMEDIATELY EXIT THE BUILDING. Evacuate at least 300' from the suspected leak and call Public Safety at 217.245.3111.