Faculty & Staff

Steven Gardner
Dr. Steven Gardner has walked and done research on different segments of the Camino de Santiago in Germany, France, and Spain. He has recently co-published an article on European Identity on the Camino de Santiago. He has also co-written articles and co-presented workshops on the value of the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela as an overseas immersion program for students. He has co-led several short-term study programs for students in Spain and Latin America, which include studying the European Union through walking the Camino de Santiago in Germany, France, and Spain, tracing the Muslim influences in Andalusia, learning about Peruvian culture and society by walking the Inca Trail, and examining education, healthcare, and biodiversity through field experiences in Ecuador and Cuba. He is currently spearheading ¶¶Òõpro’s partnership with the University of Pinar del Rio, Cuba.
Whether it is connecting students to the local Spanish-speaking community through the Latino Community Tutoring Program, to communities in other countries through internships or research projects, or to Spanish-speaking university students in such countries as Cuba, I find that ¶¶Òõpro students not only make themselves more employable in our global economy but they also make friends, becoming part of a global community that is working together to make our world a better place.
Dr. Steve Gardner has really pushed my academic career to help me pursue international experiences and careers. He has told me about programs that will help me go back abroad during my professional career. He prepared me for high caliber work through academics and support me through recommendation letters and references.